# A tiny GNU/Linux distribution MatterLinux is a tiny, independent, [free/libre](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html) and [open source](https://opensource.com/resources/what-open-source) GNU/Linux distribution for `amd64` systems. It has its own package management system and its own package repos. All source code for MatterLinux is licensed under GPLv3 and available on the [MatterLinux Git Server](https://git.matterlinux.xyz/Matter). ## Goals & Status The project aims to create a tiny and simple yet still usable GNU/Linux system from the scratch. So the project is not based on any other distribution, nor it's package ecosystem. Currently MatterLinux is under development, here is a rough roadmap if you want to follow the development of the project:
and desktop
repo (100 packages)