It has been a week, and I was able to make lots of progress during this week, infact, as of 22/12/23 Matterlinux is a bootable system! Yes, you can install MatterLinux with a simple OpenSSH server setup right now! Well, at least in theory, there is no documentation so good luck figuring it out yourself. ## Details ![](/assets/boot.png) Currently the `base` repo has (I think) 114 packages while the `desktop` repo only has 3, and yes I will be expanding both of these repos overtime. While we are on the topic of packages, I have mention that I changed init system/service manager to systemd. That's because systemd overall has more support and documentation. (And maybe because I am a massive idiot and have no idea how to setup dinit) Moving on, I also fixed a lot of bugs in `mp` and other build tools. Plus I made some litte additions. Also created the [`matter-tools`]( repository, which contains scripts and tools for Matterlinux installation and configuration. And lastly I made a stupid logo with GIMP in like a minute, it looks shit and I will try to find an actual designer/artist for a better logo. ## What is next? I won't be really active for few weeks, but after that I guess I will be upgrading the web server so I can start hosting the repos. Also I will start working on the wiki. I decided to use MediaWiki for the wiki and I hope everything works out well. That's all for now, see you in the next post.